
2016_09_22 Work on new territories continues....

2016_09_22 Al and I continue ....

Setting up the SG track that runs behind the branch terminus, out of site about 1% down grade.
Just setting it up temporarily at this time.

The BG near Al's head creaps out and will be in front of SG and remains dead level. It too will hide behind Honeysuckle Creek and only appear when SG is out of direct sight.

1% gradient almost perfectly set up. Al has great eyes!  I probably need to fix more supports to plaster though to take out bumps.

We tested the Honey Suckle branch modules and they fit nicely in front of these tracks.

Feeling a little bit unwell, so decided to finish off early at 3.00 pm.  Al is on his way home and I am
improved after a couple aspirin and a cup of tea.

Going to see if I can return to rewire Wanganella tonight.

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